Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Busy Day

Sorry I missed my post yesterday, I had a bunch of little things going on all day.

I had a substitute midwife coming over with my usual midwife's apprentice in the morning for a prenatal checkup.  This was the first appointment where Addy was present and she was very interested in the ladies checking on Ollie.  She kept signing and saying "nurse" when they checked my pulse, which is the ASL sign for "nurse" and "doctor".  She was also very interested in the fetoscope.  Everything is good with Ollie; heartbeat is just right, lots of squirming when she probed my uterus, and I'm measuring exactly right. Yay!  

Before the midwives got here, I got all the daily cleaning done.  Addy also helped with that, particularly dusting with the feather duster and sweeping with her broom, which usually entails spreading the pile I just made, but she loves to help.

After lunch, I drove down to our old neighborhood to go grocery shopping at our old market, Golden Natural Foods.  I have really missed it and it was so nice to walk in and have the owner, Sally, look genuinely happy to see me and start talking.  We lived next door to their little store, Golden Produce, for five years and were in there at least once a day for the full five years, so we know each other pretty well at this point. She and her mother and other family members saw know our mothers and saw Addy grow up for her first year and a half.  It felt like going home doing my shopping there again.  Plus, the quality is very good and the prices are very competitive.  I'll be driving down there a lot more, I think.  It was kind of weird walking down the street with my bags toward our old apartment; it felt like I had never left.  I love our new place, but it made me kind of sad because it felt so comfortable and I kind of miss the old neighborhood.

Then I took Addy to the park across the street from our new place, and she had fun.

I'll do a post on my dinners made from that shopping trip a little later, once I upload the pictures.  They were excellent.  

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