Friday, August 13, 2010

The First

How many times have I started a blog?  At least three or four, and yet here I am starting another one.  We'll see if it takes off.  I do have several projects in the works and it would be nice to document them, at least for myself, but also for anyone else who may be interested.

Project #1:  new baby due at the end of November.  It's amazing how much less planning and research the second one takes, and thus it is not dominating all of my waking thoughts like Addy did, but I think that may change as the third trimester approaches.

Project #2:  longer term, I'm working on getting our flat decorated so that I'm happy with it and it looks cohesive and finished.  I'm tired of hodge-podge, random decor.  The first room I'm actively working on is our bedroom, so I'll post pictures of that soon.

Project #3:  I'm trying to take a class this fall on furniture making at City College.  It's something I wanted to do years ago, going so far as to major in Furniture Design at art school for all of two semesters. We never got around to actually working on furniture, it was all foundational coursework, but I'm hoping to pick it up again, especially now that I have space in a garage to set up a workshop.

Project #4:  Addy's 2nd Birthday party.  The theme is dots; she's obsessed.

Then we have the fall holidays (my favorites), regular cooking and baking, and other ideas that cross my mind.

Oh, and we're starting the preschool process.  We have one open house scheduled, but I need to start contacting the others.  I guess this is practice for the Elementary School process.  SF is not always easy, but it's totally worth it.

Talk to you soon!

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